Guide the transition
Go Green - Go Local - Go Smart
Briane is a specialized consulting firm established to respond to the needs of companies and entities that want to tackle the energy and environmental transition as a key player, to improve their production process and product quality. It brings together multidisciplinary expertise and guides change processes with seriousness and competence.
It advises and assists companies and entities in communication and marketing, development of growth and efficiency strategies to achieve environmental and economic goals, while also taking advantage of grant and interest rate financing opportunities.
Briane Ltd. has produced a public administration callsdossier dedicated to Local Authorities that are seeking funding for the implementation of their projects. Our consultants are available for inquiries and support of municipal technical offices.
Go Green
Drive the energy transition
Guide the energy transition for a pathway to understanding and addressing the energy transition in your organization to achieve environmental and economic goals. Energy conservation, efficiency, and renewable energy production.
Go Local
Plan your strategy
Plan your strategies, with a pathway to identify the best strategies, starting with the knowledge of your local reality with the help of experts in the field, for the growth of your organization globally.
Go Smart
Communication and marketing
Renew your image, with better market positioning through sustainability actions, by relying on the advice and assistance of qualified communication and marketing personnel.
Do you want to work with us?
Feel free to call us and tell us about your project!